Saturday, February 15, 2020

IRISH POTATO FAMINE SOURCES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IRISH POTATO FAMINE SOURCES - Essay Example However, the increased population created scarcity in land. The number of people was exceeding the available land. The government had to device a way for diving land. The small plots that were issued by the government could only bear the very potato. Population increase and land scarcity can, on a perspective, be said to be the first negative impact that potato brought to Ireland. Since the small land could only contain the potato crop, the people of Ireland solely relied on this crop as the staple food and also as the only source of income from its sales. When the potato blight hit the country, the people had been caught unaware. As their crops were being helplessly destroyed before their eyes by the blight, distress captured the better part of them as they wondered of the available solutions. The blight was taking away the only source of life. The people started to starve due to lack of adequate food. Starvation made the people weak and vulnerable to all kinds of diseases. Typhus, Dysentery and Relapsing fever came upon them like plague (source 3). With the starvation and the emergence of the deadly diseases, life took a horrific turn on many common people. Hardship became a daily companion. The population had shifted their focus from potato farming to working on the public roads (source 2 & 3). A report by Wexford Independent describes the public as low income earner (source 3). The people were working in the extremely cold weather and their wages could not allow them to buy warm clothes. The cold caused the inflammatory of their lungs and fever. The poor salaries made the blanket a rare luxury for these people (source10). These people were also walking long distances and without food to eat. Most of them would drop and die while at work (source2). Thus, the root cause of their tribulations was cold and hunger. The poor Irish crowded the roads, begging

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Health care payment reform in AbuDhabi Research Paper

Health care payment reform in AbuDhabi - Research Paper Example Health care facilities in the country are currently offering free health care for Abu Dhabi residents as well as being covered by a new comprehensive health care insurance program. This program is financed by a shared cost of the employer and the employees as the number of doctors per 100,000 (annual average, 1990–99) is 181, (Rosenau, 2000) Other developments include a state of-the-art general hospital opened in Abu Dhabi with a projected bed capacity of 143, a trauma unit, and the first home health care program in the UAE as on the other hand there are efforts to attract those individuals who had preferred medical treatment abroad for serious medical care. This treatment Centre seeks to offer a hospital free zone that will offer international-standards, advanced private health care and provide an academic medical training center; On the other hand, there has been the introduction of a mandatory health insurance scheme and the transitioning of hospital financing towards revenue-based model necessitated thinking about how to create price transparency and better align incentives between all parties involved, (Yeung, 2012). Health expenditures are the most predominant expense in government spending and the more the population grows, the more private sectors will become a component part of the health system and the increasing need for private health insurance to cover expenses paid directly or enable access to private health care e.g., reforms and privatization in Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, USA. There is also a growth of specialized health players in private sectors as well as the public healthcare spending in OECD countries Long-term sustainability challenge has cropped, (Yeung, 2012) The total healthcare expenditure already accounts for an average 9% of GDP (2008) among OECD countries as the public sources constitute majority of the spending and are already facing challenges in